


Welcome to the Saugahatchee Crossing Blog! This blog is designed exclusively for property owners of the Saugahatchee Crossing subdivision in Notasulga, Alabama. It also serves as a repository of resources for our community.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Clean Up Day Coming!


It's almost that time! The SCPOA is sponsoring a much needed day of work and fellowship on November 15th from 9 am until 12 pm, with a hamburger lunch being served immediately afterward at the Lowrey's home. We hope to address several items during the cleanup:

1. painting/repair of black fencing at front entrance
2. any further trimming along the roadway still needing to be addressed

Your participation is crucial for us to be able to accomplish these things. Please let Chris ( know by October 31, 2014 so that we may properly plan by having sufficient materials and food. Please plan on joining us on November 15th - we hope to see you then!