


Welcome to the Saugahatchee Crossing Blog! This blog is designed exclusively for property owners of the Saugahatchee Crossing subdivision in Notasulga, Alabama. It also serves as a repository of resources for our community.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring is just around the corner!

Have you noticed the many signs of Spring are around us?  There seems to be a lot more animal activity around our place---birds, squirrels, and of course, insects!  As I drive through our neigborhood, I notice the grass starting to green up and the leaves budding on the trees and shrubs.  If you would like to share a photo or two of your "Signs of Spring", please email them to either or and I will post them for our neighbors.  Also, if you have any ideas for our blog, feel free to share them as well.  Have a great weekend!
